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Information Technology Advocates in Pathardi Information Technology Advocates in Pathardi

Just by choosing the city and subject of expertise below, you will be guided to the list of subject expert advocates. PathLegal has simplified and listed many information technology lawyers in Pathardi as per their location, specialization and experience. It may help you to find out a good information technology lawyer in Pathardi for any legal issue. However we always recommend you to consult with a lawyer in person for your final decisions.

PathLegal has not listed here any Information Technology lawyer from Pathardi. You may find the lawyers from the link, lawyers Pathardi

Still not finding? PathLegal may have advocates in your region and not listed publicly as per the lawyer's request. Please do write to [email protected] with your requirement, we shall get back to you as soon as possible with the lawyer's details. Please find below some of the closest match for your search.
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Advocate Mayur N Khairnar, Lawyer in Maharashtra - Nashik (near Rajura)
Experience (years): 5
Languages Known: Marathi, English, Hindi
Specializations: cyber law & security, legal drafting, privacy law, information technology
Advocate ADV MITALI GAIKWAD, Lawyer in Maharashtra - Mumbai (near Rajura)
Experience (years): 10
Specializations: intellectual property law, media & entertainment law, information technology law
Advocate AdvAbhita Wasink, Lawyer in Maharashtra - Pune (near Rajura)
Experience (years): 5
Languages Known: English, Marathi, Hindi.
Specializations: ipr, conveyance, labor laws, information technology act, stamp act, section 8 company ngo etc...
Advocate Roshni Lachhwani, Lawyer in Maharashtra - Mumbai (near Rajura)
Experience (years): 3
Specializations: intellectual property, information technology
Advocate Vishal Somani, Lawyer in Maharashtra - Mumbai (near Rajura)
Experience (years): 18
Specializations: information technology, cyber law, it act, ipr
Advocate Rohit Joshi, Lawyer in Maharashtra - Mumbai (near Rajura)
Experience (years):
Specializations: information technology

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